

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Birthday

Once again, that dreaded time of the year has come around! As glad as I am to have been around to celebrate another birthday, I wouldn't have minded at all celebrating it while staying the same age as before. I am not ready to admit that I'm 28 years old!!! I still haven't not gotten used to the fact that around 27 or so, you are officially in your late 20s, and adding another year to it has not made it any easier to accept it lol. BUT I do have to say I am one blessed girl...have a wonderful husband, great family, adorable dogs, a good job, good health, etc....other than the usual minor financial complaints and whatnot that we all have, I am definitely lucky and I do not take that for granted! So every year that I am able to count my blessings, is another very fortunate year for me, and this one was no exception.

Even though Columbus Day is considered a federal holiday, I don't actually have it off because I work at a 24/7 place, so I don't automatically get holiday pay like a lot of people do, including my husband. But my birthday happened to fall on the holiday this year, and I told myself, I'll be damned if I'm going to be at work all day on my birthday while my husband is home asleep!! So I took the day off and gave myself a 3-day weekend as a birthday present. Saturday we didn't do too much....Josh and Morgan went out to lunch, but I had a lot to do so I stayed home and took care of some things. Had a fairly relaxing day which was nice! On Sunday, my parents came up to take me out to lunch. My mom had asked if there was anything I wanted to do for the day, and since it's Fall and I love all things Fall, I suggested we go to a pumpkin patch; there is one nearby that we've been to in the past that has pumpkin picking and hay rides and a corn maze, and is a lot of fun. Plus, I went to my first pumpkin patch when I was 9 days old, so I figured might as well make it a sort of tradition! But, as luck would have it, the weather report called for rain all day on Sunday, so we ended up not being able to go. But we had a nice lunch at Ruby Tuesday, then went to a couple of different shops in the area which was fun. After they headed back to Beaverdam, Josh and I ran a bunch of errands and got that out of the way for the week, so we were able to have a somewhat productive day even in the gloomy weather.

On Monday, my actual birthday, Josh and I went to lunch at Tenderjack's, a salad/chicken/burger/wing place nearby that's really good. I had the grilled chicken which is delicious, but the best part was the Pinkberry frozen yogurt we had afterwards :). The day wouldn't be complete without that!! We spent the rest of the day relaxing before dinner...I couldn't have asked for anything more. As long as I'm surrounded by the people (and animals!) I love most, I'm a happy girl.

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