

Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Review

Well unfortunately, another weekend has come to an end, and a new week has begun! But that's okay because I had a great weekend, and it just means another one is on the way. Saturday was the Ashland Strawberry Faire...I haven't been in about 13 years, since my sophomore year in high school, if I remember correctly. Every year I want to go, but it never works out. So this year I was determined to go; it was one of the things on my summer list, my bucket list if you will, so I'm excited it ended up working out.

Josh and I got up early and headed down towards Ashland. We had planned to get there around noon, and meet my parents at a Mexican restaurant in Ashland for lunch before heading over to the Faire. We ended up dropping a friend off in Woodbridge on the way, and he needed to be out there at 7:45am, so we got to Ashland about 3 hours early, at 9am. We decided to get breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and as we were eating, the skies basically opened up. It had looked dreary as we drove down I-95, but I was hoping it would lighten up since it was only 8:00 in the morning. I had been religiously checking The Weather Channel all week, and the likelihood of rain went from 20% to 30% to 40%, and continued. And sure enough, as we were eating breakfast, it started pouring. I had thought we could walk around the Faire while waiting to meet my parents, but so much for that idea. So we drove out to Beaverdam and spent a few hours with my parents there instead. We were full from breakfast and their house is on the way back up to Leesburg, it just seemed like it made more sense. So we chatted for a while, and gave my mom a belated Mother's Day present, and my dad an early Father's Day present. It was really great to spend some time with them! And what do you know, within a couple hours, the clouds cleared and the sun came out! I was so excited. We decided to go back into town and walk around the Faire, since that was part of the reason we had come into town. It ended up being a really great day! I got to show Josh what the Strawberry Faire is all about, got the strawberry shortcake I'd been craving all week, and got to cross something off my bucket list!

Summer Bucket List:
Leesburg Car Show
Strawberry Faire
Ride bikes
Go to the DC Zoo
Go to the Baltimore Aquarium
Wine tasting at Vineyards
Eat at Medieval Times
Go camping
Go to the Inner Harbor
DC Museums
Go to a baseball game

1 comment:

  1. I missed the faire this year! Glad ya'll made it!

    I've nominated you for the Liebster award - check out my blog
