

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Wow, it has been SO long since I've updated....sorry, everyone!! I have something going on next week that I've been preparing for, so I've been pretty pre-occupied with that. I can't say yet what it is, but for those of you are my friends on Facebook, you'll know on Monday, and for those who just know me via Blogger, you'll find out in about a week!

In other news, awhile back I was nominated by Erin for the Liebster award! I'm so honored that I was one of the 5 bloggers she nominated! Unfortunately, according to the rules, once you are nominated, you then nominate 5 other fellow bloggers for the award, and most of my bloggers are no longer doing it actively! I have only two people I would nominate, and one of them nominated me haha! So I can't participate fully, but I will go ahead and answer the questions for the fun of it!!

The Liebster award is given out to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  They are nominated by other bloggers, which makes it more fun.  This is just a fun way to recognize each other, build your blogging community, and discover new blogs/friends!

Here are the rules:
1.  Each person must post 5 things about themselves. 
2.  Answer the questions that the tagger set for you, plus create 5 questions for the people you choose to nominate.
3.  Choose 5 bloggers to nominate and link them in your post.
4.  Go to their page and tell them about the nomination.
5. Follow and social media connect with everyone tagged.

As I said, I don't have enough fellow bloggers (who actually keep up with their blogs other than two people) to continue this on, but I'll answer my questions from Erin! And again, so flattered to have been chosen!!

What is your dream job? My dream job is to be a criminal profiler for the FBI. I LOVE all things related to serial killers and kidnappers and criminals, and I always wonder why they do what they do. What in the world goes on in their minds? Does it all come down to the nature vs. nurture aspect of life? I would love to research that kind of thing and actually make a paycheck from it. For those of you who haven't been to the National Crime and Punishment Museum in DC, I highly recommend it if you also enjoy that type of thing! If I can't do that one day, I'd like to be a therapist or a counselor.

In what ways are you self-confident? Hmmm this is a tough one because I am definitely NOT confident in a lot of ways. But I am pretty confident personality-wise; I get along with almost everyone (until you tick me off!), I think I have a pretty big heart, and I try to make other people happy whenever I'm able to. So I'm pretty confident in the personality-aspect. It's the physical/body image part that I'm still working on!

How and when did you meet your spouse/significant other? We met on a blind date back in 2002, outside of George Mason University. We went to a movie for our first date, but it took awhile to get there because I had been up all night and accidentally fell asleep when I was supposed to be getting ready for our date. Then we planned to meet in Parking Lot B but there were two entrances to that lot, and I was waiting at one entrance while he was sitting in his car at the other entrance!

What is one lesson you would like to teach your child(ren) about life? I want my children to be happy with who they are, and never make excuses for being themselves. Especially if I have girls. In the world we live in these days, there are so many things in the media that make us feel like we're never good enough. We're not pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough, rich enough, well-dressed enough. Just be yourself and if someone isn't happy with you are, they aren't worth your time.

What is the nerdiest thing about you? I love to watch shows from my childhood. As I'm typing this, I'm watching one of the Full House DVDs I bough recently. Full House was my favorite show growing up, and I like to be nostalgic and feel like I'm reliving my childhood, back when it was easier to be carefree and forget about all the money stress and responsibilities of being an adult! 7th Heaven, Full House, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Boy Meets World...I love them all, and I intend to eventually own all the DVDs!

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