

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Social / Weekend Recap

1. What is your all-time favorite song? I don't really have an ALL-TIME favorite song, I'll have a favorite for a few months and then it changes. But You And Me by Lifehouse is my wedding song, so that's definitely a top contender.

2. Who is your favorite singer/band? In the past it was Incubus, but now it's mostly country singers.... Tim McGraw, Reba McEntire, Luke Bryan, Lady Antebellum, etc.

3. What song reminds you of your childhood? Probably Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus because I was obsessed with that song, and was convinced I was going to marry him, mullet and all! Luckily I grew out of that obsession. I was also really into Amy Grant for awhile lol. And I was pretty obsessed with N*Sync as well, so Tearing Up My Heart always makes me think of my younger days.

4. What songs put you in a good mood? Anything upbeat! And honestly, Turn On The Radio by Reba McEntire can make me start dancing in the car immediately.

5. What is your music to rock out to in your car? See previous answer :)

6. What is the most embarrassing album or song you own? I do own a Spice Girls CD, and LFO lol. And Amy Grant but my husband gave me that from when HE was younger, so maybe that should be an embarrassing album for HIM because I do still like her!

Sunday Social

Weekend Recap
It seems like this weekend JUST started, and here it is, Sunday night already! I was definitely ready for this weekend, that's for sure. Even though I just got back from a "relaxing" trip a week ago, you always seem to need a vacation from your vacation! And this week flew by, luckily. But I was exhausted every single day, so it was nice to sleep in these past two days. I accidentally slept in too late for my spin class yesterday, unfortunately, but I still made myself to go to the gym both days. After a week of eating whatever I wanted, it's been hard to get back into my usual routine but I knew it needed to happen! Last year after I came back from vacation, I continued to eat really well but didn't get back to the gym like I should have, so I forced myself to this time. So I went to the gym yesterday morning, and then came back and we got ready and went to lunch at Firebirds Grill, then since we were in the area, decided to treat ourselves to a little Pinkberry for dessert (what was I saying about getting back to my healthy eating routine? LOL). Afterwards, we were on our way home when Josh decided he wanted to go look at the ferrets at Petco...that's his latest thing, wanting to get a ferret. He's convinced it's going to happen, even with a $150 price tag (not including the cage and food and accessories), but we'll see about that. The ferret he held WAS adorable though, and actually kept trying to get out of his arms and on to my shoulder and into my purse.....but we definitely don't need another animal right now! Especially since we'd have to keep the dogs away from him/her, and I don't want the extra responsibility right now. He says he would keep it's cage down in his computer room, and feed it, keeps its cage clean, etc, but let's face it, that's like a kid saying they promise to take care of a new puppy lol! We all know THAT doesn't last long.  So I eventually dragged him out of the pet store, and we headed home. We took a quick walk, then I put in a load of laundry before walking up to Walmart to print off some pictures for a Christmas present (trying to get an early start this year!). After I got back, I finished up the laundry and then we had dinner and just relaxed for the rest of the night!

Today, I overslept again (shocker! Guess my body really needed the sleep), but got myself up and off to the gym. Then when I was done there and ready for the day, we walked into town for lunch and to run a couple of errands, and WOW was it hot today! 91 degrees but felt like 98, according to the Weather Channel. After we came back home, I decided to walk up to Kohl's to return a's across Route 15, a pretty busy street, and I've never actually tried to walk there, but I figured it wouldn't be that difficult. And luckily, I'm still here lol! Wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be. So I returned my purchase, then made another quick stop at Wal-mart, and headed back home. Definitely got in my exercise these past two days! I like to stay active as much as I can on the weekends, because I have such a sedentary job during the week (who doesn't these days? It seems like all anyone does is sit at a desk for 8 hours a day now!), and if I don't keep moving around on weekends, I'll just sit on the couch and be temped to snack. BUT after 9 hours of walking today, I am now definitely sitting on the couch. Josh wasn't hungry for dinner, so I just finished mine and now I'm watching TV and trying to get in a bit of relaxation for the last hour or so of the day! Hope everyone else had a great weekend as well! We're going to try to head to the pool or go kayaking next weekend, stay tuned to see if it actually happens!

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