

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Social / Weekend Recap

Happy Sunday! Here's my Sunday Social for the week, and my weekend recap!

1. What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Definitely Full House....5:30pm was the best time of the day during the week because it meant it was time for a new episode. Come on girls, you know you all had a crush on Uncle Jesse....and I'm sure any guys who watched it, had a thing for Aunt Becky as well! And I won't lie, I bought the entire series on DVD a few weeks ago and I'm currently watching an episode as I type this lol! I was also pretty obsessed with TGIF, and all the shows that rotated throughout the years. My favorites were Family Matters, Boy Meets World, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I was a big fan of 7th Heaven as well, in middle school.

2. What is your current favorite TV show? I will always be a die-hard Friends fan; I've seen all the episodes at least 30 times and can repeat most of them from memory. I also like 24, Grey's Anatomy, House, and The X Factor.

3. Which reality show would you NEVER do? I definitely couldn't do Fear Factor, some of the things they have to do and eat are just plan terrifying!

4. Which reality show would you LOVE to do? I wish I could cook, and go on Hell's Kitchen. Or, actually, I wouldn't mind doing The Real Housewives of Wherever; I despise that show and refuse to watch it, but since you don't have to actually be a housewife, or even a wife for that matter, and you pay people to do everything for you while your biggest problem is deciding who to feud with that week, I could totally go for that! Although now that I type it, nothing about that actually sounds very enjoyable lol. What a complete waste of time. But to each their own lifestyle, I suppose!

5. What is the TV personality/character that you feel is most like you? I can definitely relate to Danielle Jonas from Married to Jonas because she struggles with insecurities and anxiety, and also Demi Lovato, because she has struggled with depression and eating issues and body image. And as far as fictional characters go, I can definitely relate to Monica from Friends with her OCD!

6. Which TV character would you want to date? of my latest favorite shows, which I forgot to list above, is The Lying Game on ABC Family, and I really like Ethan on that show, so we'll go with him!

Sunday Social

Weekend Recap
This has been a pretty good, and relaxing, weekend! Friday, I did absolutely nothing except we ate dinner and watched TV. After dinner, I ordered The Call on demand; I've been wanting to see it since it was in theaters. I don't really think Halle Berry is the best actress, but I was pleasantly surprised by her acting in this movie. And I LOVED the movie. It was really suspenseful, and I actually had to turn on the light immediately afterwards because I was so scared lol! So I'll definitely be buying that on DVD.

Saturday, I got up and went to the gym for my spin class and my regular workout, then came home and got ready, and we went into town for lunch. Afterwards, I watched a Lifetime movie and did some laundry, then we took a quick walk around the neighborhood. Josh was done with the heat by that point, since it was about 97 degrees out, but I needed a few things for dinner so I walked into town and went to the grocery store. I was definitely soaked when I got home! We fixed dinner and watched TV, then afterwards I decided I wanted to watch The Call again since I had rented it for 48 hours. I got most of the way through it, then fell asleep on the couch towards the end (usually happens at least once a weekend!)

Sunday I woke up and went to the gym, then came home and I convinced Josh to walk with me to lunch (yesterday I walked but he drove since it was so hot out). He agreed but said he's done with walking until September when it cools down! We'll see if I can convince him otherwise. The heat has definitely been stifling this week, that's for sure. After we got home, I started the rest of the laundry, then decided to walk back into town to get some blueberries at the store (I love fruit all year round but especially when it's fresh in the summer!), and unfortunately it started thundering while I was out. It rained on the way home but luckily I avoided TOO much of a downpour. Now I'm back home in my nice dry house, and relaxing before it's time to make dinner, and unfortunately head to bed a little early since a new week starts tomorrow! Let's hope it goes quick so another weekend is here to enjoy!

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