

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Social

1. What is something you've always wanted to do, but are afraid of? To be honest, there is nothing really huge on my bucket list. I'm terrified of heights, so I have absolutely NO interest in skydiving or rock climbing up the side of a huge mountain, or anything like that. But I've done a few things in the past that I was scared to do.... for example, I HATE hate hate roller coasters, but Josh and I went to Disney World on our honeymoon and he made me promise him that I would ride all the rides, so I agreed and I kept my promise! So I rode every roller coaster he rode. And at Kings Dominion, Morgan really wanted to ride the Drop Zone (a 305-foot drop) but no one else wanted to, so I was a good stepmother and sucked it up and rode it with her, which I will never, ever do again for the rest of my life!

Getting ride to go up....

We did it!

2. Where do you see yourself in five years? In 5 years Morgan will be 19 years old (holy moly), so chances are pretty good that Josh and I will be living somewhere far, far away from Virginia! Probably settling into our new home, most likely in Texas.

3. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2013? Nothing really specific. Josh and I are trying to finish up our summer bucket list, and we're making one for the Fall and also the Christmas holiday season, so probably just crossing things off our list! I'm more excited about 2014. We decided this has been our rebuilding year, and next year will be a much better one!

4. What are your hopes for your blog? I partly write it so I can get things off my chest, just kind of as a way to de-stress, but I also hope people read it and enjoy finding out more about me and my life, just as I like to find out about other people through THEIR blogs!

5. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city? Definitely not! It's been a great place to settle down for the past 5 years, as well as the next 4-5 years, but definitely not where we will be forever (see #2).

6. What is your morning routine? 4am - hit snooze, 4:15am - get up, let the dogs out, 4:25am - get in the shower, 4:55am - brush my teeth, do my makeup, comb my hair, get dressed, put the dogs in their crates, 5:30am - leave for work.

Sunday Social

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