

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

From First to Last

First Things First

Linking up for From First to Last...a day late, but better late than never!

First major in college
When I first applied to colleges, one of the main reasons I applied to George Mason University because they have an outstanding Communication program. I had originally wanted to major in Communication; my best friend and I were co-editors of the Yearbook in high school and I loved it. My dream as a kid was to be an author, then as I got older, I wanted to be editor of a magazine like Cosmopolitan or Us Weekly. But once I started college, and discovered that an oral speaking class was required to get my degree in Communication, I totally changed my mind. I have a little bit of stage fright, and knew there was no way I could get through that class. So I went with my other major interest, which is all things crime-related. My dream is to be a criminal profiler for the FBI, and I'm pretty obsessed with serial killers and that type of thing, and also just anything that has to do abnormal psychology. Soooo I ended up getting my degree in Pyschology. And what am I currently doing? Working in IT lol! But one day hopefully I will get my Masters or Ph.d, and end up either as a counselor, or following my dream of working for the FBI.

Me the day I left for college (so embarrassing!):

First date success story
I'd have to say my first date with Josh was my most successful first date, seeing as how it ended up with us getting married (not that night obviously, but 5.5 years later!). It was actually sort of a blind date...he came to pick me up at my dorm, and there were 2 parking lots, but he ended up in the other one so it took us awhile to connect. But the main reason we got a late start was my fault...I had stayed up all night with some friends, and even though I had everything planned perfectly for getting ready for our date, I TOTALLY overslept. I ended up having to rush to get ready in 20 minutes, instead of the 3 hours I had set aside, which didn't boost my confidence for the date! Then we went to the movies, and after I left to use the restroom during the movie, I got lost trying to get back to the theater, so I ended up being gone for half an hour! One crazy thing after another lol. But I must not have scared Josh off too much since here we are, 10.5 years later, still together! To top it off, he was my first and only boyfriend, so that makes it a pretty great first date, in my eyes!

Josh and me 2 years after our first date:

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