

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Social

1. 4 favorite things to do on a weekend: Spin class/workout at the gym, go out to eat with Josh, relax with the dogs and watch TV, do something fun outdoors if weather permits (go into DC, go hiking, go for a bike ride, go to a baseball game, etc)

2. 4 favorite things about your best friend: I have several amazing friends, including my BFF of 20 years, and even if we all go months without seeing each other, the second my high school girlfriends and I get back together, it's like no time has ever passed. They have the same crazy, goofy sense of humor I do, and we have so many great memories of spending time together. Gets harder as you get older and move apart, but they are such great people, it's hard to just list 4 things! I've also met some amazing people up in Northern Virginia as well, people that I can tell everything to without feeling judged. I'm so blessed to have so many great people in my life. And of course I can't forget my husband, who is without a doubt my best friend!

3. 4 things you would do with $100,000: Pay off my car, travel, and put the rest into savings....I don't really have a fourth.....$100,000 can go REALLY quickly if you aren't careful, and I'd like to set plenty aside for the future!!

4. 4 favorite books you've ever read: Chill Factor by Sandra Brown, Catcher in the Rye, and....almost anything by Sandra Brown or Mary Higgins Clark, so obviously that ends up being more than four!

5. 4 favorite snack foods: Tortilla chips, fruit, hardboiled eggs, almost any type of sweets (cookies, candy, ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc)

6. 4 things you must do daily: Shower/brush my teeth, check Facebook, drink at least 4 bottles of water, tell my husband I love him

Sunday Social

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